I am often asked why I became a colon Hydrotherapist. The reason is because the therapy improved my overall well-being so much. The reason for this I believe, is because of the seven channels of elimination that play a role in getting toxins out of the body. They are the colon, liver, kidneys, lungs, skin, lymph and blood. The liver filters out toxins from the blood which end up in an alkaline fluid called bile. Anything the body doesn't need can be carried by bile back into the intestine and out of the body through the colon. If the colon is sluggish the toxins can build up and create a situation where other organs have to jump into action in order to help remove the load of toxins. First, the kidneys have to work harder to filter out toxins for elimination via the urine. The next organ to take up the slack would be the lungs, which produce lots of mucus when they are overwhelmed. The skin plays a role by sweating out toxins that sit on the skin until one can bathe, which logically could take a toll on the appearance of skin. Finally, the lymph system works hard 24 seven filtering out toxic particles and excess/harmful waste fluid and dumps them back into the bloodstream, to be filtered by your liver, which brings us back to the beginning again. So, it makes sense to me that eliminating waste from the colon would be helpful to all six other organs of elimination which are all working together to keep your body clean and functioning well. I believe this is why colon hydrotherapy had such a positive affect on my well-being.